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VoIP tunnel
Technical corner
Tunnel VoIP anti-blocking solution
We have developed a VoIP anti-blocking solution for VoIP operators who wish to bypass firewall restrictions on 3G networks.
It can tunnel all SIP and RTP traffic through a single secure https connection to a detunneliser server.
Our solution comprises:
- A tunnel-enabled Liblinphone SDK, to be integrated into the application for iPhone or Android.
- A tunnel server to be deployed inside your network infrastructure. The tunnel server re-creates the SIP and RTP traffic from the data from each secure connection to the softphone clients.
The tunnel server runs on a standard Linux operating system and scales over all available processors. It is able to detunnelise about two hundred simultaneous call sessions per core of a modern x86 server.
Our client and server software is optimised to minimise the latency inherent to a TCP encapsulation of VoIP traffic; it is not simply a general purpose VPN.
License: proprietary only
Contact us for costs and service information.
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